State Budget Submissions
Captial Budget Requests are required by the state for each capital project requesting General Fund support and for each 100 percent nongeneral fund project issuing debt through the pooled bond process. Each request outlines the project's program, scope, budget, and funding plan. If approved, projects are entered into the Appropriations Act and become effective following the General Assembly session, on July 1st.
State Budget Submissions
Based on year and priority
Session Executive Budget Requests
- Expand Virginia Tech-Carilion School of Medicine and Fralin Biomedical Research Institute
Renovate and Expand Chemistry/Physics Facilities
Life, Health, Safety, and Code Compliance: Campus Accessibility
Repair Derring Hall Envelope
229-Improve Center Woods Complex
229-Agricultural Research Extension Center Improvements
Session Executive Budget Requests
- Expand Virginia Tech-Carilion School of Medicine and Fralin Biomedical Research Institute
- Renovate and Expand Chemistry/Physics Facilities
- Repair Derring Hall Envelope
- Replace Burruss Hall Water Piping System
- Renew Central Power House Systems
- Replace North Chiller Equipment
- 229-Improve Center Woods Complex
Session Executive Budget Requests
- Replace Randolph Hall
- Expand VT-Carilion School of Medicine and Fralin Biomedical Research Institute
- Renovate and Expand Chemistry/Physics Facilities
- Expand Digital and Performance Media Facilities
- Life, Health, Safety, and Code Compliance
- 229-Center Woods Complex
- 229-System-wide AREC Improvements
- 229-Livestock and Poultry Research Facilities PhI
Session General Assembly Amendments
Session Executive Budget Requests
Session General Assembly Amendments
- Undergraduate Science Laboratory
- Construct Data and Decision Sciences Building
- Planning Replace Randolph Hall
Session Executive Budget Requests
- Undergraduate Science Laboratory Building
- Randolph Hall Replacement
- Hahn Hall Renovation and Expansion
- Academic Efficiency and Renewal Package
- Life, Health, Safety, Accessibility and Code Compliance
- 229-Global Systems Sciences
- 229-Animal Production and Livestock Facilities PhII
- 229-System-wide AREC Improvements
- Data and Decision Sciences Building
- Improve Kentland Facilities
- Dietrick First Floor and Plaza Renovation
- VT Carilion Research Institute Technology Package
Session General Assembly Amendments
- Undergraduate Science Laboratory
- Planning Data Analytics and Decision Sciences Building
- Planning Replace Randolph Hall
- VT Carilion Research Institute Biosciences Addition FF&E
Session Executive Budget Requests
- Undergraduate Science Laboratory Building
- Data Analytics and Decision Sciences Building
- Randolph Hall Replacement
- Corps Leadership and Military Science Building
- Robeson Hall Renovation
- Academic Support and Student Success Center
- Brooks Center
- Fire Alarms and Building Accessibility
- Library Code Compliance
- 229 - Global Systems Sciences
- 229 - Animal Production and Livestock Facilities II
- 229 - Center Woods Complex
- Dietrick First Floor and Plaza Renovation
- VT Carilion Research Institute Biosciences Addition
- O'Shaughnessy Hall Renovation
- Student Wellness Improvements
Session Executive Budget Requests
- Construct Undergraduate Science Laboratory
- Undergraudate Science Laboratory Building
- Data Analytics and Decision Sciences Building
- Randolph Hall Replacement
- Corps Leadership and Military Science Building
- Robeson Hall Renovation
- Academic Support and Student Success Center
- Brooks Center
- Fire Alarms and Building Accessibility
- Library Code Compliance
- 229-Global Systems Sciences
- 229-Animal Production and Livestock Facilities II
- 229-Center Woods Complex
Session General Assembly Amendments
Session Executive Budget Requests
- Construct Undergraduate Science Laboratory
- Renovate Holden Hall
- Construct Chiller Plant, Phase II
- Construct VT-CRI Biosciences Research Laboratory
- Construct Neuroscience Research Laboratory
- Construct Translational Medicine Center
- Randolph Hall Replacement
- Construct Corps Leadership and Military Sciences Building
- Construct Business Learning Community
- Renovate Derring Hall
- Construct University Data Center
- Construct Library Storage Facility
- Fire Alarms and Accessibility
- Health Center Improvements
- Equipment Funding for Improve Kentland Facilities
- Livestock and Poultry Research Facilities, Phase I
- Human and Agriculture Biosciences Building II
- Livestock and Poultry Research Facilities, Phase II
Session General Assembly Amendments
- No amendments were submitted.
Session General Assembly
- Supplement for Classroom Building
- Supplement for Davidson Hall Renovation
- Renovate/Renew Academic Buildings
- Construct Nanoscience and Geoscience Laboratory
- Construct Undergraduate Science Laboratory
- Construct Chiller Plant, Phase II
- Renovate and Expand Holden Hall
- Construct Translational Research and Medicine Laboratory
- Construct Corps Leadership and Military Science Building
- Renovate Derring Hall
- Renovate Library
- Kentland Research Facilities
- Animal Production and Livestock Facilities, Phase I
- Animal Production and Livestock Facilities, Phase II
- Unified Communication System and Network Renewal
- Upper Quad Residential Facilities
Session General Assembly Amendments
Session Executive Budget Requests
- Construct Undergraduate Science Laboratory Building
- Academic Buildings Renovation
- Construct Chiller Plant, Phase II
- Renovate Holden Hall
- Construct Translational Medicine Laboratory
- Construct Corps Leadership and Military Science Building
- Animal Production and Livestock Facilities
- Supplement for Classroom Building Equipment
- Supplement for Davidson Hall
Session General Assembly Amendments
Session Executive Budget Requests
Session General Assembly Amendments
Session Executive Budget Requests
Session General Assembly Amendments
- No amendments were submitted.
Session Executive Budget Requests
Session General Assembly Amendments
- No Amendments were submitted.
Session Executive Budget Requests
- Renovate Davidson Hall, Phase I
- Construct Signature Engineering Building
- Construct Chiller Plant, Phase I
- Construct Classroom Building
- Establish Center for Creative Technologies Laboratory
- Construct Veterinary Medicine Instruction Addition
- Renovate Liberal Arts Building
- Renovate Davidson Hall, Phase II
- 229-Improve Kentland Facilities, Phase I
- 229-Construct Human and Agriculture Biosciences Building I & II
Session General Assembly Amendments
Session Executive Budget Requests
Session General Assembly Amendments
- Construct Engineering Signature Building
- Renovate Cyber Arts Building
- Construct Public Safety Building
- Construct Human and Agricultural Biosciences Building I
Session Executive Budget Requests
- Construct Engineering Signature Building
- Construct Classroom Building
- Construct Human and Agricultural Biosciences Building I
- Renovate Liberal Arts Building
- Construct Veterinary Medicine Instruction Addition
- Construct Newman Library High Density Addition ARC
- Renovate Lane Hall and Construct Addition
- Construct Academic and Student Programs Building
- Fire Alarm Systems and Access
- Construct Sciences Research Laboratory I
- Replace Deteriorated Section of Davidson Hall
- Virginia Tech - Carilion School of Medicine and Research
- Equip Henderson Hall
- Equip ICTAS II
- Construct Basketball Practice Facility
- Renovate Ambler Johnston Hall
- Repair McComas Hall Wall Structure
- Renovate Owens and West End Market Food Courts
Session General Assembly Amendments
- Cyber Arts Studio and Creative Technologies Laboratory
- Replace Deteriorated Section of Davidson Hall
- Engineering/Computational Sciences Instructional Facility
- Hampton Roads Classroom
- Planning: Geosciences Discovery Center
- Planning: Human & Agricultural Biosciences Building
- Renovate Liberal Arts Building
- Supplement: Performance Hall
Session Executive Budget Requests
Session General Assembly Amendments
- Replace: Deteriorated Section of Davidson Hall
- Construct: Hazardous Waste Facility
- Planning: Human & Agriculture Biosciences Building
- Planning: Sciences Research Laboratory I
- Supplement for Cowgill
- Supplement for Litton-Reaves
- Supplement for Residence Hall
Session Executive Budget Requests
- Construct: Campus Heat Plant
- Replace: Deteriorated Section of Davidson Hall
- Renovate: Liberal Arts Building
- Construct: Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science II
- Construct: Science Research Laboratory I
- Construct: Infectious Disease Research Facility
- Code Compliance: Fire Alarm Systems and Access
- Construct: Hazardous Materials Facility
- Construct Engineering/Computational Sciences Instructional Facility
- Construct: Newman Library Addition
- Construct Veterinary Medicine Instruction Addition
- Construct: Surge Space Building
- Construct: Classroom Building
- Construct: New Police Facility
- Repair: Litton Reaves Hall Exterior
- Construct Administrative Services Building
- Construct: New Visitors & Admissions Center
- Construct: Human & Agricultural Biosciences Building
- Improve: Residence and Dining Halls
- Construct: Additional Recreation, Counseling, and Clinical Space
- Construct: Indoor Athletic Training Facility
- Equip: Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science
- Equip: Biology/Vivarium Facility
- Equip: Henderson/Performing Arts Center
- Supplement: 2002 General Obligation Bond Project
2005Session General Assembly Amendments
- Surge Space Building
- NIH Research Laboratory
- Graduate Life Center
- Campus Heat Plant
- Equipment for Agriculture and Natural Resources Laboratory
- Supplement for Building Construction Laboratory
- Supplement for ICTAS I
- Supplement for Performing Arts Center